Victoria HarbourCats Statement Regarding COVID-19
By Chris March 17, 2020 10:15am
March 17, 2020
Dear fans, sponsors, season ticket holders, staff, players, parents and host families:
Like everyone around the globe at this time, the Victoria HarbourCats Baseball Club is concerned about the spread of COVID-19 and the potential impact.
It is important to note that our WCL league schedule does not commence until May 30 (pre-season) and June 5 (regular season) and we are not playing or practicing in public venues at this time. As such, we are able to prioritize being concerned for our staff, fans, partners and stakeholders in both the South Island area, and in the baseball world.
We are saddened to see our close friends in college baseball – players, coaches, staff – have their 2020 spring season ended and now hope that, more than ever before, the West Coast League will play an especially important role in showcasing their incredible talent.
We refer everyone to the West Coast League’s statement (LINK HERE) , and we will closely watch developments and follow instructions and protocols of health officials and governments on both sides of the border.
We remain positive that the efforts of officials and the commitment of citizens to stem the spread of coronavirus will lead to the HarbourCats playing in their eighth season in the WCL.
In the meantime, the HarbourCats are taking a number of steps internally to minimize any risk, including maintaining a skeleton office staff, having people work from home, and ensuring that all staff are practicing good hygiene.
We are also suggesting that fans who wish to purchase tickets and are concerned about venturing out to do so, instead simply make use of our new and improved on-line ordering system at
Merchandise can also be purchased on-line via The Cat Shop at
Anyone who needs to reach us directly at this time should try the office number first (778-265-0327), and then our personal cell phones or e-mails as needed:
Jim Swanson – GM and Managing Partner – 250-889-5204 (
Christian Stewart – Assistant GM / Group and VIP Ticket Sales – 250-744-7277 (
John Pollard – Marketing Director – 250-888-2969 (
Curtis Pelletier – Assistant Coach / Player Inquiries –
Ray Kirk – Merchandising and Nanaimo WCL Inquries – 250-709-2882 (