On-Line Ordering of Single Game HarbourCats Tickets Now Easier than Ever!
By Chris February 05, 2020 12:42pm
New user friendly “pick your own” seat map is intuitive, fast and familiar to many
For Immediate Release
February 4, 2020
Victoria, BC – The Victoria HarbourCats Baseball Club and 2020 ticketing partner Select Your Tickets are pleased today to unveil new “pick your own seat” functionality on the on-line HarbourCats ticket ordering site at
A new seating map will allow fans on any platform (computer, tablet, mobile) to zoom in on the section of their choice and easily select seats for any game, check out quickly and send tickets directly to their device, create print-at-home PDF tickets, or request tickets to be held at the Will Call box office for pick up on the day of the game.
Fans who are familiar with ordering tickets through Select Your Tickets for the Victoria Royals hockey club, or for other events held at Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre, will be intimately familiar with the on-line seat selection process as it is virtually identical, with users pulling up a seat map of the stadium and then selecting their location and ticket type before then heading to the check-out process.

With the new on-line seating map, fans will easily be able to see what seats are available, select them and then pick their ticket price type (adult, senior, child) and then proceed to checkout and either print their own tickets or send them direct to their mobile device.
“Our fans will love the new on-line seat selection process,” said Christian Stewart, the HarbourCats Assistant GM for Ticketing and Media. “It is so much easier and intuitive than what has been in place for the past few seasons and we are convinced that it will become the number one way fans will purchase tickets for individual games.”
In the new system, fans will easily be able to see where their seats are relative to the playing field, plus early in the 2020 season, functionality will be added for fans to view photographs of what the view will be like from each section.
While the current on-line system is set up only for ordering single game tickets, the HarbourCats and Select Your Tickets will be looking at improvements down the road for fans to order season tickets and 10-game flex packs on-line.
“We want to make ordering tickets of any kind as easy as possible for our fans.” added Stewart, “and this new and improved on-line functionality for single game purchases is a first step in what we know will be a very good relationship with Select Your Tickets, one that our fans will love.”
2020 Tickets Now on Sale
Season Tickets, 10-Game Flex-Packs and Single Game tickets are now on sale for the 2020 season. Visit the office at 101-1814 Vancouver Street or call 778-265-0327 to order. Single game tickets, with our new pick your own seat functionality, can also be purchased on-line at or at
About The Victoria HarbourCats
The HarbourCats are Victoria’s entry in the West Coast League (WCL), a summer, collegiate, wood bat baseball league, featuring the top college-age players from across North America and the world. One of the elite teams in the league, the HarbourCats won a record 40 games in 2016 and followed that up in 2017 and 2019 as the WCL’s North Division Playoff Champions, coming one game short both times of their first ever WCL Championship. In 2020, their eighth season, the team will play a 54-game regular season schedule, with 27 of those games and five additional non-league games, being played at historic Wilson’s Group Stadium at Royal Athletic Park in Victoria. Games begin May 30, 2020 with games scheduled through mid-August. See for more details.
Office Hours: January-March office hours: MONDAY-FRIDAY – 9:30am-5:30pm SATURDAY-SUNDAY – By appointment.