HarbourCats to Hold First Ever On-Line Fan Hot Stove / ZOOM Meeting!
By Chris April 20, 2020 11:51am
April 20, 2020
Hello Everyone!
Are you ready to talk some baseball, HarbourCats or otherwise?
We invite you to join HarbourCats owners, staff, coaches and (with luck) some players from the Victoria HarbourCats in our first ever on-line HOT STOVE!
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time
Using the awesome power of the ZOOM conference calling app, we will gather together to chat baseball, the 2020 West Coast League Season and of course some of the things we are doing to prepare ourselves for the season while we wait for the world to get back to normal!
If you have not used ZOOM yet, it s pretty easy to do. Just download the app, set up an account – it is free and you can use your Facebook creds to sign on – and then use the information below (Meeting ID number and Password) to join the conversation.
NOTE: You may want to jump on your computer first to make sure your microphone and camera are both activated so that we see and hear you once you join!
The call is limited to the first 100 participants so don’t be late! We hope to see and hear you there!
Please forward to anyone you feel would be interested in joining.
Christian Stewart, Assistant GM
Victoria HarbourCats Baseball Club
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 915 1511 3104
Password: 005440
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Meeting ID: 915 1511 3104
Password: 005440
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