HarbourCats Looking for 2020 Host Families
By Chris March 03, 2020 01:25pm
If you have a room to spare, please consider hosting a HarbourCats player this summer!
March 3, 2020
Victoria, BC – The Victoria HarbourCats Baseball team begins their 8th season in late May 2020 and are actively seeking host families to billet their players over the months of May, June, July and August.
Host families are an integral part of any summer-collegiate baseball team, and are the lifeblood the team’s success, providing a safe and pleasant home environment for player(s) for the duration of the season.
The HarbourCats roster is comprised of college athletes from across North America, who will all call Victoria home for two and a half months in the summer. All players are highly talented collegiate baseball players, currently playing and enrolled in school at prestigious universities and colleges across the United States and Canada. They all share common goals and dreams for their baseball careers, while remaining committed to their academic success. Accordingly, all HarbourCats are fine, respectful young men who are a pleasure to have in your home, and are often regarded as another member of the family before long.
Your primary role as a host family is to provide a safe and pleasant home environment for your player(s) for the duration of the season. Players will require comfortable sleeping quarters and access to bathroom (with bedding & towels) as well as laundry equipment. Families should be prepared to provide food for 2 meals per day (breakfast & dinner or post-game meal) however players may not be home for 2 meals per day and of course will be on the road for half of that time period between May and August. The team will also sometimes offer post-game meals for the players. Some players may also need transport to and from the stadium on game days, or to head out on road trips.
Host family compensation includes a modest monthly stipend to help cover some food costs, as well as free season tickets for all members of the family. Perhaps the largest compensation however, is that by becoming a HarbourCats host family, you have the opportunity to play a very important role in the life of a student athlete, and aspiring professional baseball player. In turn, your player will be a positive influence, and will likely form a life long friendship with your family.
If you are interested in becoming a host family, please e-mail the HarbourCats at, or call the office at 778-265-0327.
More details can also be found at on the HarbourCats web page at