HarbourCats to Implement Phased Ticketing Approach for 2021 Season
By Chris February 05, 2021 01:20pm
IMPORTANT- Ticket holders please read carefully to learn how and WHEN to redeem your 2020 tickets and 2020/2021 ticket vouchers.
February 5, 2021
Hello Fans!
Thanks so much for your loyal support and for your patience during the loss of our 2020 HarbourCats season and for the support as we head into the 2021 West Coast League season.
As we wait to see what happens in the next couple of months and for, hopefully, the full go-ahead to play baseball at Wilson’s Group Stadium in 2021, we want to proceed optimistically, and as such, we are ready to start ticketing people for individual games for the 2021 season.
We need to do this now, so that if we happen to receive short notice that we can play, for example in mid-May, we are ready to go, rather than rushing to get everyone ticketed at the last minute.
HOWEVER, we are going to take a phased approach in doing this, in part to allow more time to see what evolves from a COVID-19 health perspective, but also to give priority to those who held individual game tickets for the 2020 season.
As such, PLEASE READ the following carefully to identify what category you fall into and to know WHEN you can redeem your tickets for a 2021 game. A quick summary and more details are provided:
- SEASON TICKET HOLDERS – No action needed, tickets available in Mid-May;
- 2020 INDIVIDUAL GAME TICKET HOLDERS – Ticket exchanges begin NOW, with priority until February 19, 2021. All exchanges MUST be done by June 4, 2021.
- 2020 and 2021 10-game FLEX PACK VOUCHER HOLDERS – Voucher exchanges begin February 23, 2021, with priority until March 15, 2021.
- 2021 INDIVUDUAL GAME TICKETS – Will go on sale to the general public March 16, 2021
If you are a FULL season ticket holder and you had paid in full for your seats prior to the 2020 season, there is no need for you to do anything at this time. Your seats are held for 2021, your payment has been applied and your tickets will be ready for pick-up sometime in Mid-May. Should you wish to upgrade your seats or add seats, or if you do not have season tickets and would to purchase them, please contact or call the office at 778-265-0327.
If you have specific game ticket(s) for a 2020 game that was cancelled, you will have first priority for seat selection for the 2021 season. YOU MUST HAVE AN ACTUAL ticketed seat for a 2020 game, NOT a voucher (voucher holders will be dealt with next). If you fall into this category, you will have between the date of this release and February 19, 2021 to replace your ticket(s) for those for a 2021 game. You can exchange after that date, but this period is reserved exclusively for ticket holders in this category.
IDEALLY, this exchange MUST be done at the HarbourCats office so that we can get your 2020 game tickets back from you. Our office is COVID protocol friendly and masks are required. However, if you are not comfortable with this, or if distance is a factor, please give us a call and we can look after this over the phone and then mail your new tickets to you.
Office hours at 101-1814 Vancouver Street, Tuesday – Friday, 10AM to 5PM. Note, as we are often in and out and have limited staff this time of year, it may be best to call the office at 778-265-0327 to make sure someone will be in before coming by.
NOTE: If you purchased tickets directly from the Select Your Tickets web site, on-line, there is no need to come to the office. You may call the Select Your Tickets box office at 250-220-7777 and they can make that exchange directly for you and e-mail you new “Print Your Own” tickets.
2020 GAME tickets MUST be exchanged IN ADVANCE , PRIOR TO the start of our 2021 home season, i.e. by June 4, 2021 at the latest. Such tickets will NOT be accepted at the stadium box office windows on 2021 game days.
If you have 2020 or 2021 10-game flex pack ticket vouchers in hand, you will have second priority for seat selection for the 2021 season. If you fall into this category, you will have between February 23 and March 15, 2021 to come into the HarbourCats office and replace your vouchers for those for a 2021 game. You can come after that date, but this period is reserved exclusively for ticket holders in this category and will be prior to ticket going on sale to the general public on March 16, 2021.
IDEALLY, this exchange MUST be done at the HarbourCats office so that we can get your 2020/2021 vouchers back from you. Our office is COVID protocol friendly and masks are required. However, if you are not comfortable with this, or if distance is a factor, please give us a call and we can look after this over the phone and then mail your new tickets to you.
Office hours at 101-1814 Vancouver Street, Tuesday – Friday, 10AM to 5PM. Note, as we are often in and out and have limited staff this time of year, it may be best to call the office at 778-265-0327 to make sure someone will be in before coming by.
While we would prefer all voucher exchanges happen prior to the start of the season, we WILL accept both 2020 and 2021 ticket vouchers for exchange at the box office windows on 2021 game days, but tickets for specific sections will be subject to availability on those days.
If you do not have vouchers and want to take advantage of the early exchange opportunities for 10-game flex pack holders noted above, you CAN purchase new or additional 2021 10-game flex packs at any time. These can be purchased at the HarbourCats office, or on-line at
It is our intent to put 2021 single-game tickets on sale to the general public on March 16, 2021. These will be available at the office, or on-line via Select Your Tickets at If you do not have 2020 tickets for exchange, or 2020 or 2021 ticket vouchers, you will have to wait until that date to purchase single-game tickets for the 2021 season.
All dates and exchange policies above are subject to change pending any relevant COVID-19 health protocols or decisions that are made between now and the start of our 2021 season. Also, in the event that we are required to enforce and implement socially distanced seating as part of this, any and all ticketed seats, including season ticket holders, may need to be changed and the availability of seats in many sections may become very limited.
Also, in the event that the 2021 season has to be cancelled, rest assured that all 2021 tickets will hold their value and be eligible to be exchanged for seats for games in 2022.
Should you have any questions at all on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact Christian Stewart, Assistant GM of Ticketing and Media at 778-265-0327, or by e-mail at