HarbourCats Swanson in Running for Business Person of the Year
By Chris February 09, 2018 07:01pm
The Victoria HarbourCats are pleased to announce that Managing Partner Jim Swanson is a finalist for the Business Person of the Year for the Chamber of Commerce 2018 Greater Victoria Business Awards. Winners will be announced in a black tie event at the Awards Gala at the Fairmont Empress Hotel on Thursday May 10.
“I am extremely humbled and honoured to receive this nomination,” said Swanson, who was totally surprised to receive it. “To be included with the likes of past owners such as ownership partner John Wilson, and key partner Mayfair Optometric (previous winners) and with Al Hasham, the out-going Chamber president, one of our former Advisory Board members and this year’s honoree for Chamber Member of the Year, is something I never imagined.”
Swanson is quick to point out that his success in his four seasons to date with the HarbourCats stems directly from the great fan support that the team receives and the great support that he receives from his fellow owners and HarbourCats staff. “The support for baseball in this community has been fantastic,” noted Swanson, “and myself, our owners and the members of our staff can’t thank the fans enough for continuing to buy tickets and coming out to the park to cheer us on. This really is a full-team recognition — we do what we do because we have a lot of fun doing it.”
The sixth season of HarbourCats baseball begins on Friday June 1 with the home opener against the Wenatchee AppleSox. Season tickets, flex-packs and single game tickets are now on sale. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements on some exciting ticket packages and other great promotions that are on tap for 2018.
Photo Credit, Bruce Stotesbury, Times Colonist