HarbourCats Staying Busy Despite Lack of On-Field Action
By Chris June 10, 2020 10:57am
Fan support incredible as merchandise (like the new 2020 Player’s Caps pictured above) and 2021 ticket and corporate sales jump to the forefront, keeping staff busy during these non-playing times.
June 9, 2020
Victoria, BC – It is a far cry from the line-ups at the ticket windows on game days, or the steady stream of phone calls to buy tickets that would normally come in this time of year, but the backlog of on-line store purchases waiting to be picked up at the HarbourCats offices is one small thing that is keeping HarbourCats staffers busy – and keeping smiles on their faces – despite the abnormal silence that now prevails across the street at Wilson’s Group Stadium.
“Our fans have been incredibly supportive during this time,” notes HarbourCats Assistant GM Christian Stewart, “and our on-line “Cat Shop” has been very busy, with fans purchasing our latest hats, our cool new 2020 Players Gear and other bits of merchandise, just to show their support.”
“My days are largely spent fulfilling on-line orders and keeping all of our merchandise properly inventoried,” added Stewart, “plus photographing and listing new items like the 2020 Player hats that just came in , or the 2020 golf shirts that were going to be our game-day staff shirts. Everything is now available for the public to buy and we have been extremely pleased with the response thus far.”

A number of parcels from on-line orders await pick-up at the HarbourCats offices.
It is not just merchandise that is on sale though, as the team is now looking ahead to the 2021 season and urging fans to secure their seats now, for what will be a fresh new season in 2021, complete with a new Island rival, as the HarbourCats ownership group prepares to launch a West Coast League team in Nanaimo, the name of which should be announced soon.
“I would love to be selling more tickets for 2021 and we want fans to know that those are now available,” said Stewart. “We expect 2021 to be a celebratory return of baseball here and that it will be busier than ever, so we are urging fans to lock in seats early, so that they are not disappointed next spring.”
The HarbourCats 2021 schedule is not anticipated until later this summer, but Season Tickets and 10-Game Flex pack vouchers can be purchased now. Season tickets will give fans access to each of the team’s 27 league games, plus all exhibition games (~35 games in total not counting playoffs), while flex-vouchers can be exchanged in any combination for any 2021 regular season game(s).
In addition to selling HarbourCats merchandise and assisting with the launch of the Nanaimo team, the HarbourCats have also launched their very own streaming TV channel this spring – HCATS.TV – and it currently features archives of all HarbourCats games that have been produced by GO LIVE Productions. It will also become the spot to go for the live streaming of all HarbourCats games in 2021. The HarbourCats have had a few “Watch Parties” of old broadcasts during the “Stay at Home” phase of the pandemic and these have proven to be very popular with fans. The site will also feature its own unique content and provide a unique platform for advertising for HarbourCats corporate sponsors.

HCATS.TV – the new platform for streaming of all things HarbourCats
Also forging into 2021, as they do every year, HarbourCats continue their quest for new corporate partners, someone new to introduce to the best summertime sports entertainment in the City, as well as look for groups and organizations that are looking to raise funds to participate in their usual 50-50 fundraising opportunities.
“It is going to be an interesting summer for sure,” adds Stewart, “and we are going to have to get creative with our marketing campaigns and promotions down the road, but I have faith in our fans and faith in our staff that we can get through the tough road ahead and make 2021 the best year of HarbourCats baseball so far!”
How to Support the HarbourCats in 2020:
If you are able, or if you know friends and colleagues who are able, please consider any of the following:
2021 Season tickets — the best way to help, one that guarantees you seats to all our games (usually 35 per year or so) plus other season ticket holder perks. Contact for details.
10-Game Flex Packs / Vouchers — Don’t want to commit, or can’t commit to season tickets? Consider 10-game flex packs – anytime vouchers that can be used in any combination…10 tickets at one game, 1 ticket at 10 games or anything in between. Season ticket voucher equivalents are also available. Flex Packs can be purchased at the office and are also available on-line at:
Corporate Partnerships – Want to put your company name or brand in front of our 100,000 fans every season? Or know someone who does? Consider joining us as a partner. From a simple program ad, to the most complex of game day sponsorship, complete with signage and tickets, we will customize any campaign to suit your needs and budget. And with our new HCATS.TV platform and our ownership group’s expansion of a new team in Nanaimo in 2021, the opportunities are now Island wide! Contact for details.
Fundraising / 50-50 – Have an organization that needs to raise funds now? A $1000 investment buys you 100 anytime 2021 game vouchers for our Premium Reserved seats that you can then turn around and sell for $20 each, earning you your investment back, plus another $1000 in return. We will then hold a 50-50 date for you in 2021 and you can bring your group to the park to sell that game, taking home 50% of the proceeds. Contact for details.
Merchandise – Consider a HarbourCats merchandise purchase from our store at 1814 Vancouver Street, or from our on-line store, The Cat Shop, at New items, including 2020 game caps and player’s gear are arriving weekly and we need to clear them out!
For June and July, we are officially open Tuesday through Thursday 10 am to 5 pm. Someone is usually here Monday, but best to call 778-265-0327 before venturing over to make sure. Closed Saturdays and Sundays.