HarbourCats and Peninsula Co-op team up for special events
By Chris July 04, 2019 01:51pm
July 4, 2019
VICTORIA, B.C. — It’s the ultimate opportunity for HarbourCats baseball fans, times two.
On Monday, July 8, prior to our first-ever game against the expansion Ridgefield Raptors — and the first game of our second half of the West Coast League season — our players will be on the concourse, at the tented area with Peninsula Co-op, SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS for fans.
The special up-front opportunity to meet HarbourCats players will run from 5:45pm to 6:15pm at Wilson’s Group Stadium at RAP — and is presented by Peninsula Co-op.
Then, on Thursday, July 18 at Wilson’s Group Stadium, a special opportunity will also take place for fans — thanks to Peninsula Co-op, a major sponsor of your Victoria HarbourCats. FAN BATTING PRACTICE, open to sponsors and fans, will take place from 5:30pm to 8pm, with a hot dog stand serving HarbourDogs.
“Peninsula Co-op and the HarbourCats have so many aligned goals, and they start with creating connections to the people who support this community — these two events are ways to add even more of the ‘friendly factor’ that we value,” said Jim Swanson, GM of the HarbourCats. “Companies like Peninsula Co-op and The Wilson’s Group are who we model our community approach after, and we couldn’t be happier to be doing these events with Peninsula Co-op and at Wilson’s Group Stadium at RAP.”
At the FAN BATTING PRACTICE, our partner Red Arrow Brewing will be showing off the HarbourCats Ballpark Blonde lager that has proven to be such a popular refreshment in its first season at Victoria HarbourCats games — along with being available at so many beer stores and restaurants.
Peninsula Co-op and the HarbourCats have also teamed up to highlight who the real VIPs are – YOU! Fans are encouraged to make their mark by signing their autograph on the giant free-standing baseball walls, something that has already proven popular at Wilson’s Group Stadium.