Baseball or not, we celebrate Canada Day!
By Chris June 25, 2020 05:05pm
HarbourCats to hold come-n-go, and virtual gathering on June 30, following the fireworks tradition (Above: HarbourCats PA announcer Dan Salmon (right) and his father Chuck enjoy a previous Canada Day at the Park).
For Immediate Release
June 25, 2020
VICTORIA, B.C. — It’s become a tradition in Victoria, eight years and counting, and it’s one the HarbourCats won’t give up without a fight.
On Tuesday, June 30, starting at 7pm and running for about three hours, fans are invited to the team’s office parking lot, at 1814 Vancouver Street — a family-friendly event with food trucks, a BBQ – featuring products from Maple Leaf Foods – and a projector showing fireworks from the past. As well, for those more comfortable staying home in these unique times, the fireworks show will play on the team’s media site,, so people from all over can watch and enjoy.
“We’ll keep the number of people on-site to a maximum of 40, below limits, and encourage people to come, get a bite to eat, and then move along,” said Christian Stewart, the Assistant GM of the HarbourCats. “We did this on June 6, what would have been our opening weekend, and it was great to see people and talk some baseball, talk about our community. Our fans are our friends, and we’re all missing the social side of HarbourCats baseball right now.”

The fireworks won’t be real on June 30, but fans can still have some fun anyway and pop over the HarbourCats office to chat baseball and enjoy the evening.
Fans can check out the new team merchandise, just arrived this week, and get their hands on one of the new Harvey “Bobble-Belly,” sponsored by the Vancouver Island Construction Association, intended as a game-day giveaway this summer.
The West Coast League team is known for its spectacular fireworks shows, usually three to four times a summer — opening night, then the day before Canada throws a nation-wide party, and then B.C. Day long weekend. Crowd counts build to league-record numbers, as the HarbourCats are the only WCL team to post crowds of 4,000 and 5,000 or more, the highest number being 5,240.
As well, the HarbourCats are going to welcome staff and key supporters on Canada Day, July 1, at sponsor Yates Street Taphouse, beginning at 4pm. For many years, the HarbourCats have hosted a team/fan event at Yates Street after the traditional day game on Canada Day, another tradition we want to keep going in some form as everyone anticipates the team’s return in 2021.
How to Support the HarbourCats in 2020:
If you are able, or if you know friends and colleagues who are able, please consider any of the following:
2021 Season tickets — the best way to help, one that guarantees you seats to all our games (usually 35 per year or so) plus other season ticket holder perks. Contact for details.
10-Game Flex Packs / Vouchers — Don’t want to commit, or can’t commit to season tickets? Consider 10-game flex packs – anytime vouchers that can be used in any combination…10 tickets at one game, 1 ticket at 10 games or anything in between. Season ticket voucher equivalents are also available. Flex Packs can be purchased at the office and are also available on-line at:
Corporate Partnerships – Want to put your company name or brand in front of our 100,000 fans every season? Or know someone who does? Consider joining us as a partner. From a simple program ad, to the most complex of game day sponsorship, complete with signage and tickets, we will customize any campaign to suit your needs and budget. And with our new HCATS.TV platform and our ownership group’s expansion of a new team in Nanaimo in 2021, the opportunities are now Island wide! Contact for details.
Fundraising / 50-50 – Have an organization that needs to raise funds now? A $1000 investment buys you 100 anytime 2021 game vouchers for our Premium Reserved seats that you can then turn around and sell for $20 each, earning you your investment back, plus another $1000 in return. We will then hold a 50-50 date for you in 2021 and you can bring your group to the park to sell that game, taking home 50% of the proceeds. Contact for details.
Merchandise – Consider a HarbourCats merchandise purchase from our store at 1814 Vancouver Street, or from our on-line store, The Cat Shop, at New items, including 2020 game caps and player’s gear are arriving weekly and we need to clear them out!
For June and July, we are officially open Tuesday through Thursday 10 am to 5 pm. Someone is usually here Monday, but best to call 778-265-0327 before venturing over to make sure. Closed Saturdays and Sundays.