City plans RAP as a temporary tenting site for city’s homeless community
By Chris March 23, 2020 03:45pm
HarbourCats doing their part to assist the City and Victoria’s homeless population – Let’s all pitch in to combat COVID-19!
VICTORIA, B.C. — In this extraordinary time, we all need to take extraordinary measures, and we must all pitch in.
The COVID-19 pandemic is the most glaring example in history that we all, globally, need to stand together, and act together.
The Victoria HarbourCats fully support the measures so far being put in place by the Province of B.C., led by Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix. The HarbourCats also support the new development that areas inside Royal Athletic Park will be used by the City of Victoria to create appropriate social distancing for the city’s homeless population, with the 900 block of Pandora becoming a problem area for us all to maintain space and give the best chance of everyone coming out of this healthy.
“This is bigger than any of us individually, as people or as companies or government departments,” said HarbourCats Managing Partner and Co-Owner Jim Swanson, speaking on behalf of the team’s ownership group that also involves Rich Harder, Ken Swanson and John Wilson.
“This is a time for compassion, and action. Working with Mayor Helps, and with key City staff, this is the right thing for all to do. We all must do our part to flatten the curve, so this can have the least impact on life and health, and allow us to recover sooner.
“We all need to stay at home, keep our distance, not gather in any groups at all, wash our hands and stay clean, and be vigilant — so we can get back to normalcy. Baseball takes a back seat right now, that’s for sure — and let’s focus on the HarbourCats only after we focus on each other. Our season doesn’t arrive until June, we have the luxury of time, let’s deal with now and worry about later, later.”
The RAP details are best described by the City of Victoria, through their communications process.
“When it’s time to play baseball, we’ll play baseball,” said Jim Swanson. “When we’re able to gather again, and cross borders, we’ll play. Until then, the people in our organization will be dedicated to being part of the solution.”
For More Information:
HarbourCats staff are all working remotely at this time. You can contact them directly at the e-mail and numbers below:
- Jim Swanson – GM and Managing Partner – 250-889-5204
- Christian Stewart – Assistant GM (Ticketing, Group Sales Inquiries) – 250-744-7277
- John Pollard – Marketing Director – 250-888-2969
- Curtis Pelletier – Assistant Coach / Player Inquiries –
- Ray Kirk – Merchandising and Nanaimo WCL Inquries – 250-709-2882
Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail with questions or should you need any assistance at all.