Charitable Partners

The HarbourCats Foundation
The Victoria HarbourCats are very pleased to announce the establishment of the HarbourCats Foundation.The maturation of the HarbourCats over their first five seasons has seen them develop into a leader on the field in the West Coast League, while also making Royal Athletic Park a gathering place for the community, and a can’t-miss summer tradition in Victoria. As such, the owners of the club feel that the HarbourCats can be, and should be, a leader in our community. That is where the vision for the HarbourCats foundation was born.
“It is our pleasure, on behalf of the Victoria HarbourCats Baseball Club, to launch the HarbourCats Foundation” says founding president Richard Michaels. “The foundation will support baseball and softball efforts across the Greater Victoria area by helping make these two sports more affordable for all children.”
Whether it be assisting in the purchase of much-needed equipment, or registration fee support, the HarbourCats Foundation will strive to foster the growth and sustainability of baseball and softball so that all youth enjoy the opportunity to play these wonderful pastimes.
For more information please visit the Victoria HarbourCats Foundation Website.
Help Fill a Dream Foundation
Since 1986 Help Fill a Dream Foundation has been supporting those families from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands whose lives have suddenly changed due to their child’s diagnosis with a medical condition or severe health challenge.
Vancouver Island Health Authority
Island Health provides health care and support services to more than 767,000 people on Vancouver Island, the islands in the Salish Sea and the Johnstone Strait, and the mainland communities north of Powell River. The Victoria HarbourCats are pleased to be partnering with VIHA, who provide an immensely critical role in helping those in need in our community and beyond.
Habitat for Humanity Victoria
Habitat for Humanity Victoria is a registered charity that brings communities together to help families build strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership. Founded in 1990, Habitat Victoria has built 34 homes locally and served 38 families. Habitat Victoria builds decent housing in order to provide local hard working families with access to affordable homeownership in the Capital Region. Our Homeownership Program is open to people from all cultures and faiths. Habitat for Humanity Victoria is a member of Habitat for Humanity Canada and one of 55 Affiliates in ten provinces and two territories.

CFAX Santas Anonymous
CFAX Santas Anonymous Society is the charity of choice for the Oak Bay Half Marathon, taking place on Sunday, May 29. Contact us for fundraising tips and join our team of runners, relay teams and kids running to help local children year round.

KidSport Victoria
KidSport Victoria is a non-profit organization that is part of a national and provincial network of community based volunteer groups whose goal is to ensure that kids in financial need have access to the positive experience of sport and physical activity. We believe that sport and physical activity provides a life-long opportunity for self-expression, goal setting, dedication, positive thinking and increased self-confidence for kids.